Saturday, May 5, 2007

Expense Accounting; New Balance

Technically, Mother's Day cards can't really be considered something that would fall under "Life Improvement", but... um... yeah. I had the cash there, and I'll make the sacrifice. The recent influx of school related expenses has completely (1) taken me by surprise and (2) drained my resources.

Also, um, technically the additional (and unexpected) expense of feeding A. and K. while at MGM on a field trip shouldn't come from the emergency fund, but the original notices said they'd be provided a bag lunch, then at the last minute we got noticed saying they needed funds for food. Wee. Seeing as how I'd already wiped out every other bit of money I could spare, I took the money from the emergency fund. Some of the $100 that was taken out was returned to me (along with a present! yay!) but that money is being shuffled off to cover a few other things.

The money coming out of the life improvement fund for my contact lenses was the balance due after the insurance kicked in.

Emergency Fund (5/4)
$100 - taken out for K.'s field trip (A. playing chaperone)


Life Improvement Fund

Target (5/5)
$3.99 - mother's day card
$1.99 - mother's day card
$2.25 - mother's day card
$2.25 - mother's day card
$2.99 - mother's day card
$4.99 - mother's day card
$3.99 - mother's day card
$1.58 - tax
$24.03 - total

Vision Works(5/3)
$13.88 - contact lenses
$13.88 - total


ING savings - $85.67
EF - $230.00
personal savings - $10.00

slush fund - $24.95
Dental fund - $100.00

Disney fund - $40.00
Christmas fund - $126.50

Life Improvement fund - $23.00

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