Thursday, May 17, 2007

General Accounting 5/15 - 5/31


$300.00 - Sears (includes extra payment)
$200.00 - MasterCard (includes extra payment)
$80.00 - cel phones
$40.00 - K. school lunches
$155.00 - insurance/secondary account fund
$25.00 - ING (automatic transfer)
$25.00 - emergency fund (direct deposit)
$50.00 - slush fund/savings
$75.00 - life improvement fund
$50.00 - dental fund
$50.00 - entertainment fund
$260.00 - groceries (includes everything)
$20.00 - K. allowance
$40.00 - A. allowance
$40.00 - my allowance
$25.00 - K. savings
$80.00 - gas (for 2 cars)
$1515.00 - total budgeted

$______ - Sears
$______ - MasterCard
$______ - cel phones
$40.00 - K. school lunches - put into savings for future school expenses
$165.00 - insurance fund* - temporary increase, goes back down next month
$25.00 - ING (automatic transfer)
$25.00 - emergency fund (direct deposit)
$50.00 - slush fund/savings
$60.00 - life improvement fund (set aside in envelope)
$50.00 - dental fund
$50.00 - entertainment fund (set aside in envelope)
$217.45 - groceries (includes everything)
$______ - K. allowance
$40.00 - A. allowance
$40.00 - my allowance
$25.00 - K. savings - put into savings until her account is situated
$33.00 - gas (for 2 cars)
$820.45 - total paid

budgeted total: $1515.00
spent total: $820.45

========= =========

$388.72 - balance on May 15, 2007


$70.00 - partial zoo pass payment

new balance: $483.72

* the "insurance fund" is the secondary checking account at the credit union where the primary checking account is. More than a decade ago, this secondary checking account served as my personal allowance account then transformed into my grocery account. When I stopped writing checks for groceries it transformed into what it is today: the predictable occassional expenses account. Current annual, bi-annual, and quarterly expenses covered by the funds collected in this account include: insurance on my car, insurance on A.'s car, life insurance on A., life insurance on me, life insurance on K., newspaper subscription, auto tag renewals on both cars, zoo pass renewal, christmas/holiday money. I take the yearly totals for each category and divide by 12 to determine how much each category should get per month, then add all the monthly allotments together to get the $155.00 amount.

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